Vegan Highlands 4


Spring is preparing to get sprung here in the Highlands, daffodils are popping up in the garden, and there is almost certainly less snow on the mountain tops. There have been days over the winter that made spring quite impossible to imagine, having never experienced it here we were presuming it was going to be some kind of Game of Thrones type continuous winter ahead of us.

Luckily that’s all made up, and Jack Frost (who is definitely not) has loosened his icy grip on the Bridge of Orchy, giving way to drinking beer outside and general frolicking.

With Spring comes Easter which is set to coincidently coincide with our 3 week and 2 day Anniversary of opening Greenstone Lodge, what are the chances? At time of writing we have had 17 guests so far, which has way surpassed our expectations, and each and every one of them have been lovely people and ideal guests, some even booking another stay with us already, which is amazing.

When it comes to Easter food we all think of chocolate eggs or bunnies, or roast dinners with your family, but that’s all rubbish and pointless compared to the mighty hot cross bun. These lightly spiced, heavily sultana’d, fluffy delights are the food highlight of any Easter celebrations for us.

There are plenty of vegan versions out there now, but its always best to make your own, and this year instead of making a batch that we would sit on our sofa and scoff in one sitting, they will be distributed amongst our guests.

Below are some pictures of the different stages of the buns being made as Instagram has led me, against my better will, to believe this is the sort of thing people are into.

We here at Greenstone Lodge wish you a Happy Easter, if you’re coming to us from Good Friday to Easter Monday expect one of these gluten filled bad boys coming your way and anyone staying with us on Easter Sunday may get an extra present left in your room, apologies if that sounds at all creepy, you’ll like it.